Aeries Portals Login

  • Aeries Logo (Click link below to access Aeries Portals)

    Parent and Student Portal Login
    Provides access to grades, attendance, profile information, and online registration for the 2024-25 school year beginning July 26, 2024.

    In order to complete the student's registration/'Student Data Confirmation' process, you must logon to the PARENT PORTAL account, not the student portal account. 

    New Student Enrollment (for accepted incoming freshmen and transfer students only)
    New students accepted to IPoly for the 2024-25 school year may complete the online enrollment process here, beginning May 22, 2024. Students must enroll online before completing registration paperwork, which will be provided to families at a later date. Registration week at IPoly will be held late-July, 2024 (dates TBA)

    Faculty Portal Login access for International Polytechnic High School faculty.
    Administrative and Staff Portal Login access for International Polytechnic High School administration and staff.