- IPoly High School
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Attendance Policy:
It is the policy of IPoly that students attend class regularly; that work missed because of school related activities or illness be promptly made up (failure to do so may result in the teachers not accepting the work). Absences other than illness are highly discouraged because of the nature of our educational program.Clearing Absences:
When a student is absent from school, the parent must notify the school by calling the Main Office at (909) 839-2320 or sending a note to indicate the reason for the absence. Each tardy of 30 minutes or more is considered an absence. Student absences are to be cleared within three days of absence. All un-cleared absences will be considered as truant.Returning from an Absence:
The student is responsible to obtain a readmit upon return from an excused or unexcused absence from the Main Office. Students should allow ample time to obtain a readmit prior to the start of class. Tardy due to obtaining a readmit will not be excused.Tardies:
A tardy occurs when the student is not inside the classroom as the class begins.Dance Regulations:
Dress for most dances will be regular school attire. Formal attire is required or winter formal and the prom. Any special attire will be announced prior to the dance.Students will be asked to present their IPoly High School ID card. Students must remain inside or within specified areas once they have arrived. Once a student leaves the dance, the student cannot return. IPoly does not supervise students once they leave the dance.
Dances are held from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm unless otherwise stated. Parents must pick up their students promptly at the end of the dance. Do not wait to have the student call home. It is recommended that parents meet their students at the actual location of the dance and not in the parking lots.
Formal dances are typically held off campus and their ending time is announced to the students. Please plan to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the end of the dance. Again, do not wait for a phone call from your student, unless they are calling to be picked up before the dance ends. IPoly discipline policy applies to dances and any school related activities.
Drop Off and Pick-up:
Parents must pull into a parking spot to drop off and also pick up their student. Cal Poly police can ticket drivers that do not follow this policy.Parents: (After school, please pick up your students before 4:30 pm. Supervision is not guaranteed after school hours.)
Blue emergency phones are located in the parking lots for emergency purposes for use by anyone on the Cal Poly Campus.Free and Reduced Lunch:
Many of our students receive free and reduced lunches. We accept applications at any time. Lunches are distributed daily in the quad, near the Main Office.Food Policy:
Students are not allowed to bring home cooked foods to school for any celebrations at school, personal or school related. Only store bought food that has a label showing all ingredients can occasionally be brought to school to support a teacher sponsored activity.Library Services:
IPoly students are privileged to use the Cal Poly Library. Students may check out materials by presenting their iPoly Student ID cards that have a barcode placed on the backside. At registration, parents submitted a signed Cal Poly Library Contract, which is on file at IPoly. This contract links students to their parent’s who are ultimately responsible for the loss of Library materials. If fines are not paid, the parent will be sent to a collection agency. Eventually the obligation will be attached to the parent’s income taxes and of course you don’t want this to happen. The simple solution is that your student needs to show the level of responsibility of that of a college student in care for Library materials.